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Traveling around Russia

Russia is an amazing country, rich in history, culture and natural diversity. From the White Sea to the Black Sea, from the Urals to Kamchatka - every corner of Russia hides unique landscapes and unique attractions. Traveling around Russia gives you the opportunity to feel all its versatility and enjoy its beauty. You can start your journey by visiting the capital - Moscow. Here you will find majestic temples, luxurious palaces, amazing parks and museums that will tell you about the rich history of the country. Then you can go to the very heart of Russia - St. Petersburg. This is an open-air museum city with architecture from the era of Peter the Great and unchanging canals that create a special atmosphere. However, traveling around Russia is not limited to the capital cities.

You have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of village life on the lakes of Karelia or experience an adrenaline rush on the peaks of the Caucasus Mountains. You can spend time on the white sandy beaches of the Black Sea or go on an expedition to the Sayan Mountains and Baikal. The mysterious Kremlin in Kazan, the lace churches in Altai, the wonderful Golden Ring with its village-museums - these are just a few of the fascinating places that you must see when traveling around Russia. So, without further ado, pack your backpack and set off on an exciting journey through this unique country!

Historical Cities of Russia: A Journey Through Time

Historical cities of Russia are a real treasure for time travel lovers. Buildings that have survived from ancient times allow you to feel the atmosphere of the past and delve into the history of the country. In Pskov, you can visit the Krestovaya Gora fortress, founded in the 10th century, and visit the Kremlin with its picturesque city gates. The Kazan Kremlin is a majestic structure built in the 16th century, with its towers and Orthodox cathedral - a symbol of multinationality and cultural diversity. Veliky Novgorod, founded in the 9th century, is the historical center of Rus' with Palace Square, St. Sophia Cathedral and the Kremlin walls built in the 14th century. And also Krasnodar, the regional capital, built on the site of a Cossack fortress in the early 19th century, is one of the centers of Kuban. These cities offer unforgettable journeys, where every turn will surprise you with its history and beautiful architecture.

Natural wonders of Russia: discovering unique landscapes

In Moscow, you can try the famous "shuba" - a salad of beets, carrots, potatoes, eggs and mayonnaise. Not far from the capital, in the Tula region, it is worth stopping in one of the villages and trying real Tula gingerbread. The north of Russia is famous for its fish dishes: incredibly tasty pickles, marinated herring and caviar. In St. Petersburg, you can try Scandinavian cuisine, such as Greenland cod or Finnish pike. The Nizhny Novgorod region is famous for its porridge "buckwheat in Nizhny Novgorod style" - a dish of buckwheat porridge with meat and mushrooms. In Siberia, especially in Irkutsk, try "pozar" - Siberian fish soup, which will surely warm you up on cold winter days. Don't forget that Russia is also famous for its pies

Unusual places in Russia: discover the secrets of the country of great spaces

Russia is a country rich in the diversity and uniqueness of its nature and culture. Traveling around this vast country, you can discover many unusual places that hide their mysteries and secrets. One of such places is the Soldier's Grave Mound, located in the Smolensk region. This mysterious mound embodies the memory of the heroic soldiers who died in the Battle of Smolensk in 1812. Another unusual place in Russia is the Ostrog of Yuri Dolgoruky, which is located in the Moscow region. This ancient settlement, founded in the 12th century, is considered one of the oldest in Russia. Here you can see the remains of stone walls and towers, and visit the local history museum to learn more about the ancient history of the region. Another mysterious attraction of Russia is the Kola Peninsula in the north of the country. Here you can see natural wonders such as the Kola Rainbow Waterfall, which is created by unique glacial sediments.